Monday, June 20, 2011

CPD23 Thing 1: Blogging

I just finished running a "23things" program for one of our large regional library systems - Learn with CDLC. We had a great time and many people wanted to continue learning over the summer. So this was perfect timing! I'm excited that we already have 7 people participating in this program.

I've been in the library field for over 30 years now. I spent 17 years in a number of positions in academic libraries. For the last 15 years, I've run my own consulting firm. I work with libraries and schools, mostly helping with technology issues, training and web projects. Most of my clients are in the Northeast US, but I have had some fun trips to other parts of the country too. My website is at:

When I'm not at the computer, you'll find me in the garden battling the weeds and smelling the roses. Or possibly traveling and exploring. A trip to France & England is coming up soon. There will be lots of weeds waiting for me when I get back!

Looking forward to this program, the opportunity to explore more "things" and getting to know more colleagues around the globe.


  1. I am looking forward to learning some new Things these next few months too, and am excited to be participating.

    Isn't it a shame that weeds will not be good guests and wait to visit when you are actually home?

  2. Love that image of the weeds hiding at the edge of the garden, waiting to invade and whoop it up while I'm away! :)

  3. Will be great to hear your thoughts on CPD23 - as an independent, and someone who's run a previous 23 things program! I'll be watching this blog with interest :)
