I know this has been a challenging topic for many, but everyone who has written a post so far seems to have made good progress understanding what RSS is. Some folks just don't want to subscribe to any blogs and that's fine, maybe somewhere down the line they'll find a blog they want to get updates from and the RSS lessons will come back to them.
So what have I learned this week? Mainly that Netvibes can be pretty flaky with getting updates to some feeds. And that the toolbar button isn't the best way to add feeds to a Netvibes page. I still think it's a good tool for sharing a public page of information, but I won't be using it for my own RSS aggregator. Google Reader is just too efficient for me to bail on it.
I love that I can connect with other people via Google Reader and that we can share interesting posts with each other. This really helps filter the ton of content that I try to sift through. Some people are really efficient about going through their lists of feeds and sharing the most interesting posts. I'm not so good at that and feel a bit guilty when I depend on their hard work, so I do try to share interesting posts as often as I can. Building a strong community of people who are interested in the same topics is key to making this work.
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