Monday, March 28, 2011

Thing 1: Blogging

Ok, I'm going to join in the fun too and see what extra things I can learn about all these tools too.

One thing I discovered today is that it's not uncommon for Blogger to default to foreign languages. Someone had a problem with everything being in Japanese today. There's a fix for that! See the drop down box highlighted below? That's the language box - English is towards the bottom of that list.

I'm not as familiar with Blogger as I am with, so that's why I picked this tool.

Oh, right, forgot - Who am I?  I'm a librarian and have worked in the Capital District for over 30 years. First at RPI in Troy. And since 1997, I've run my own consulting company. I work with libraries and schools, mostly helping with technology issues, training and web projects. Most of my clients are in the Northeast, but I have had some fun trips to other parts of the country too.

When I'm not at the computer, you'll probably find me in the garden battling the weeds. Or maybe traveling overseas and exploring.